UIUC Fall Bucket List

Fall in the cornfields is the ultimate way to celebrate the season. There are so many things on and off campus that you should be sure to do during your 4 years here. Below are some of my favorite Fall and Halloween activities that you should definitely put on your Fall campus bucket list.

Curtis Orchard & Pumpkin Patch

Credit: Pumpkins

Going to the pumpkin patch is a must-do activity for fall and just a 10 minute drive from campus, Curtis Orchard allows you to do so! Pick some pumpkins to decorate your apartment, eat some apple cider donuts, take some cute pictures with your friends, and drink some hot apple cider. You are sure to have a great time full of fall vibes!

Haunted House

Credit: Baldwin Asylum

What’s Halloween without a haunted house right? If you have never been to a haunted house before or if you haven’t been to one near campus you should make this a priority this year! Personally, I have only been to the Baldwin Asylum haunted house in Rantoul, IL which is about 25 mins outside of Champaign but there are plenty more in the area to check out! However, I would definitely recommend that one it was the perfect mix of terrifying fun and sure to get you in the Halloween spirit.

Barn Dance

Credit: Barn dance

Barn Dance is a U of I staple and if you have never gone to one you should this season! Dress up in your favorite flannel and head to the barn for a great time of singing and dancing with your friends. I for one love some country music but even if thats not your music vibe, Barn Dance is still loads of fun to go to.

Corn Maze

Credit: Corn Maze

If you are going to go to college in the cornfields, going to a corn maze is a must. Go do the maze during the day or for a challenge go do it at night! Either way its going to be a good time and sure to get you in the fall spirit. To turn this activity into a halloween themed one, check out the haunted corn mazes in the area they are a spooky twist on this classic autumn stroll.

There are dozens of things to do on and off campus that are essential for the fall but those are just a few of them that you should be sure to do before the winter comes around! Fall is my favorite season and I can’t wait to start checking items off this list.

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