GALLERY: UIUC Buildings Worth Exploring

By Madison Gillespie


The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is home to a rich and architecturally diverse collection of buildings. From the northern engineering campus to South Quad, plenty of interesting spaces are scattered throughout campus that you likely haven’t seen before. Below are snapshots from a few of UIUC’s most interesting buildings.



Front entrance and murals in the Main Library.


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Main lecture hall in the Music Building.


Track in the Armory.


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Front entrance and spiral staircase in Altgeld Hall.


Miniature garden and skylights in the atrium of the Psychology Building.


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Rotating world globe in the front lobby of Wohlers Hall.


Front lobby, wall, and water fountain located in the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.



Orange-tinted windows of the Micro/Nanofabrication Laboratory Facility, located inside the ECE Building.


Interesting painted doors located in the stairwells of the Architecture Building.


Staircase and ceiling in the Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science.


Atrium of the Gies College of Business Instructional Facility (BIF).



Hopefully this gallery has inspired you to broaden your horizons and seek out new parts of campus. There are so many great buildings to check out aside from the ones featured here, so best of luck in your search for other neat spaces!

Happy exploring!




All images were photographed by the author.



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